Hello everyone, I do not post on this blog often but I thought of another interesting topic, which has to do with disability accommodations. I take train rides from New York to South Carolina twice a year, and the trip is 14 hours. I like riding on trains, and it has been a blessing to travel. Usually I buy the cheapest refundable seats, but for one trip during the pandemic I splurged for a "roommette", for about 200 or 300 dollars. That was a good deal, and if you buy the larger room or sleeper car, it costs 600 or 700 dollars. The roommette was really fun and a great luxury that I couldn't afford to keep doing just for fun.
On my recent trips, I had a hard time enduring the whole trip and started thinking I might have to start taking a plane. But there is a reason I don't take plane rides in the first place. I think it's my mental health plus the way sometimes mental illness is the wiser thing. Like what are people thinking to fly in the sky like that.
So anyway what I am dealing with now is declining health and mental status from trauma and illness, and one option is for my sister to fly to New York and accompany me back on a plane to South Carolina. But that is not that easy either.
So finally I cracked the code and realized that the solution is to get the roomette option for my next few trips if I am able to. Well I never choose that because of the money, but my mom might be able to help me if the deal is in a certain range.
So finally we get to the mental health topic for this blog, which is the fact that the luxury option I could not indulge in for 40 trips is the appropriate "disability accomodation." And I think this has some implications for our whole suffering society. I think it has to do with the reasons some people have for not helping suffering people sometimes, or resenting it when other people charitabliy are given what they need to survive. It's just that there is a similar zone of how everyone would like to be taken care of, and hospitals and hotels have some things in common. And where does the money come from, and when do you make the call when you can't hang on anymore and have to receive the comfort that you or others have turned down in whatever way before. All I do is mention the example, because I think the richness of the topic is actually inclusive of almost all divisions between the servers and the served, the sick and well, working and not working, and every variety of needs and wants.
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